Monday, July 13, 2009

Question everything or fall for anything

Have you ever heard the saying, "If you don't stand for something, then you'll fall for anything?" That old saying applies to many different areas of life, but none more than advertising and marketing.
As a business owner or decision maker, you must know a few basic things about the company you represent before you make any marketing decisions.
1) Who is your customer? Where does your customer live? How old is your customer? Male or female? Is your customer wealthy, a bargain hunter, finicky?
2) What company message do you want delivered? Is it clear? Is it targeted to your customer? Does it demand action?
3) How much is an average customer worth to the company? How much are you willing to invest to get your customer, their family, their friends?
4) What expectations do you have? Get specific..How many new clients within what time frame that spend how much money? How are you measuring your results?
Consider the spectrum of advertising options...from magazines, newspapers, online, yellow pages, catalogs, sponsorships, ink pens, TV commericials, grocery receipts, bus stop benches, to radio spots and billboards...not all media is a good fit for all clients.
As a business owner or decision maker, you're obligated to sort through options to find the mix of media that will best reach your customer, deliver your message, and get the results you want for your budget.
Don't fall for advertising sales people who are trained to 'sell their product'! Find the sales consultants who have experience, know the market, and understand your goals.
Stand up for your business and don't fall for anything, but...question everything!

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