Tuesday, May 6, 2014

$.38 per chicken nugget or else

Submitted by Rhonda Overbey on Fri, 2013-11-01 10:10 Farewell McDonald's dollar menu. Company spokesmen say Monday will be the last day of the dollar menu. McDonald’s needs to raise prices on some of its items to increase profit. Duh. Example, they're moving the 4-piece nuggets off the dollar menu to a (new and improved) "dollar menu and more" so they can charge $.375 per nugget. That's an increase of $.125 per nugget. That's steep!! But with the way the cost has increased at the supermarket, I'm not surprised. I look forward to the day our community gets really smart and starts thinking bigger than itself. Why are we shipping milk from the Simon's dairy in Faulkner County to the east coast yet consuming milk being shipped to Conway from Texas. It's a movement. A locavore - a person whose diet consists only or principally of locally grown or produced food. Growers will say the food may not cost less -they're saving on fuel and shipping costs- but no longer getting bulk sales. But consider the impact on the environment and sustaining local farmers and merchants. I want to dig a little deeper into this so please be patient with me. I think it's a model we should consider when moving forward. As a consumer, I want to start looking harder at ways to support local growers because eventually, transportation costs will rise to the point that it doesn't make sense to ship items across the world or country and still have a profit at the point of sale.

Neophobians beware! New stuff ahead.

Submitted by Rhonda Overbey on Fri, 2013-11-08 11:46 The founder of Polaroid, Edwin Land, had a great quote, "It’s not that we need new ideas, but we need to stop having old ideas." New ideas that aren't based on fear but are rooted in vision are exciting (and sometimes scary), but regardless, there's no turning back now. Economic development plans that 'worked' 50 years ago, do not 'work' anymore. I'm over the big Christmas tree discussion and I'm over the Central Landing and new and old airport conversations and talk about whether or not we need another hospital. Why? These things have been in the works for a decade. They didn't happen overnight. Some residents aren't happy with the pending changes and new developments; there are hundreds of U.S. communities rehashing old ideas where these people would feel right at home. #rememberthegoodoledays But I want you here. Because I think we can be different than other communities our size. Most of the changes you're seeing aren't happening on the fly. You're welcome to be part of daily debates in small groups and committees; get involved. We can be geeky, progressive, chickens in the backyard, small business boosting, composting, best-educated, God-fearing, healthiest, wealthiest, gun toting, support-your-neighbor's-lifestyle tree huggers or whatever we want to be. And there are so many community needs that have yet to be addressed. It will take all of us to make Conway the place our kids want to live. Neophobia: Fear of new things http://phobias.about.com/od/phobiaslist/f/What-Is-The-Fear-Of-New-Things.htm

My "I don't get it" list

Submitted by Rhonda Overbey on Wed, 2013-11-13 14:10 Adding to my list of "I don't get it" this week is the public's fascination with Damien Echols. Is it the fact that he was wrongly accused and spent half his life on death row or because celebrities got behind his cause or because Johnny Depp is in talks to play him in a movie or what? I don't get it. There are a lot of people in jail who claim they're innocent. Didn't you see Shawshank? When it comes to celebrities, I can usually spot people try to use their 10 minutes of fame (Octomom) and why the public is fascinated with them (Screech). Oh, yes, I can spot crazy from a mile away. (Undiagnosed crazy. Not speaking clinically of course because my nursing friends don't like when I just toss the word 'crazy' around.) Crazy is fine. It's borderline brilliant - Charles Manson, Jodi Arias, Courtney Love, Gary Busey. Then there's the people who aren't crazy, just weird - Miley Cyrus, Carrot Top, Angelina Jolie, Marilyn Manson. And then there's the whole separate category of, who cares? - Weird Al, Johnny Knoxville, Charlie Sheen. Echols definitely falls closer to the just weird end of my sliding scale but I'm not sure what will come of his fame just yet. It's too soon. Here are the ones on the fence for me at the moment: Honey Boo Boo Lady Gaga and now Damien Echols
Depp with enough talent to play all three of the WM3 I don't get it.

November 22, 1963

Submitted by Rhonda Overbey on Mon, 2013-11-18 19:16 Fifty years older and my how we've changed. My mother would often talk about hearing the announcement that JFK had been shot. This Friday makes 50 years ago. She was sitting in her typing class at Conway High School. I heard the story so many times, I should have all the details memorized but what I really remember was her feeling the story evoked. So much sadness. All you could hear in the halls of Conway High was silence punctuated with sobbing. Even the people who didn't know about politics loved Jackie. This was B.P. (before the pods), in 1963 the high school was the building on the southwest corner of Davis and Prince streets, my old junior high school building and currently part of the 'East' campus - whatever that means. So much changed that day. In the last 50 years we've become cynics, conspiracy theorists, skeptics and disheartened Americans. Vietnam, Watergate and Obamacare have added to our country's lack of unity. With the exception of 9/11, it's tough to recall a time when we as a nation sobbed together.
Front page of the Log Cabin Democrat from Fri., Nov. 22, 1963. Since Kennedy was shot at 12:30 p.m. I can only guess that the Log Cabin was an evening paper but I wouldn't be surprised if Mr. Robins had printed a special evening edition if the daily Log Cabin was normally delivered in the morning.

$1 can change a child's life

Submitted by Rhonda Overbey on Mon, 2013-11-25 14:17 Here's your chance to help those in need in Faulkner County. You can donate as little as $1 or as much as you want, to the Community Christmas Card. Each year, the Log Cabin Democrat publishes a list of names on Christmas Day of people who give to this effort to help our local kids. We collect the money and then based on the number of students at each school we divide the pile up and give the money to school counselors. The school counselors use the money where they see a need. For example, if a child needs a new pair of glasses or a trip to the dentist, or a winter coat and the guardians are unable to assist, the Community Christmas Card comes to the rescue. Not being able to see the chalkboard or being cold, basic needs that distract them from learning can be solved by your donation. This article really explains it better: http://thecabin.net/news/2013-11-04/community-christmas-card-faulkner-county-students#.UpOe9J3nbcc You know I must say that over the last month, there's been a lot of talk about our community needs. It's great to see this brought to the forefront during this season. I encourage you to be part of the solution! http://tinyurl.com/mmenslz

Bezo's drone army

Submitted by Rhonda Overbey on Wed, 2013-12-04 I don't know how much money Jeff Bezo earns annually but I know he's got money to invest in building flying drones. And buying big newspaper companies. It's a few years in the making but on a slow news day, Bezo's drone was everywhere. Order from Amazon and like a pizza, your purchase will be delivered to your house in less than 30 minutes. Not really a step into the digital future but a move into the Star Wars age. Oh, I can just imagine young Anakin building and repairing little drones on Tatooine. Nevermind, those were droids, not drones. (And just like that, George Lucas earns another penny.) Anyway, in my line of work, I'm more interested in Bezo's investment and modifications to his most recent big purchase, the Washington Post. In my tiny brain, I'm seeing a fleet of drones cost-effectively and efficiently delivering the morning newspaper to every porch in the country. He could build an army of drones. Like take one perfect drone and clone it millions of times. No, wait, those are storm troopers I'm picturing. Pay Mr. Lucas.

Political season: Is that it?

Submitted by Rhonda Overbey on Wed, 2013-12-11 11:41 My anticipation for the 2014 elections peaked the first week of November. The focus has shifted to gathering signatures for judicial candidates, a few tasteless television commercials (Tom Cotton's mother really really loves him) and who's tweeting what and to how many followers who may or may not actually vote. There are still a few names being whispered about town who may run for a position, districtwide or statewide. There 's still a little time to announce. Will there be a swing in political party power in state government? How will the governor's race impact the House and Senate races? And locally, we're seeing judicial shifts, a new city attorney, and I'm still anticipating a few local officials to seek higher office. Along with toys in his sleigh, let's hope Santa brings us a few more political announcements so at least each race is contested.

A visitor's glance at Conway

Submitted by Rhonda Overbey on Tue, 2013-12-17 15:00 I had the opportunity to show a few visitors around our fair city over the weekend. Their extensive online research into Faulkner County was impressive. I'd say that as far as book smarts go, they schooled me about the demographics of Faulkner County's population, top industries, housing market and trends. I was just there to take them to lunch and add the color commentary. Seriously, I'm no John Madden but I could give Collinsworth a run for his money when it comes to talking about why Conway is, well, Conway. •The 54-foot-tall Christmas tree - you know what stood out to the visitors? That we have one. The fact that Conway citizens are passionate enough to speak up about it was also impressive. (On a side note, they loved it.) •The buzz downtown - call it revitalization, rejuvenation or just activity, Downtown Conway represents the health of the business community. And to visitors, seeing a walkable and shopable downtown with bustling restaurants and parks is something straight out of Mayberry and Andy's Bluebird Diner. They loved it. (Neither visitor had a Christmas tree or parade in their communities.) •A+ schools - not just the elementary and high schools, it's also the colleges and UCA, look around, overall Faulkner County schools are exceptional. I've been in it so long that I see the holes, but the emphasis our community puts into supporting education really shows. •Geek central - it's attractive and catchy to visitors. Tech start ups (as reported on the front page of Sunday's Log Cabin) and our younger-than-normal average age are appealing and interesting. In spite of the HP layoffs this year, new and sustainable businesses are thriving. Our main concerns - growing pains, housing issues, tax money, poverty and low-income families are all common problems you'll find in any community. Could it be that I've been in it for so long that it takes a visitor with fresh eyes to show me the beauty where I'm living? Sometimes I forget that our problems aren't special, they're actually pretty common, but what makes Faulkner County special is the citizens. So before you point out a problem and roll your eyes, just remember that there are plenty of communities who'd trade places with us in an instant.

Wampus Cats Boulevard

With all the mumbling and grumbling I'd heard, I had no idea how cool Prince Street (aka Wampus Cats Blvd.) was going to look! The decorative lamps in the median, the gentle sloping of the landscape - it's going to be fantastic. It's street scaping you expect to see in neighborhoods in Germantown, TN or Plano, TX. I was thinking about the cool factor the other night when I turned west onto Hwy.60/Prince Street from Donaghey Ave. on my way to try out west Conway's first hibachi restaurant (KOBE: now open) next to the Mamacita's (NOT open) Mexican restaurant not to be confused with the Texas chain of Papasito's restaurants. I was thinking how surprised some friends will be when they come home for Christmas this year. The old two-lane Prince Street and Morningside corner have changed a lot in the last few years. The progress has been painful. Retailers and businesses with Prince Street frontage have been fighting construction crews and the congested traffic it brings for more than a year but (wow!) what a difference. And from one homer to another....I like that when opposing teams come to Conway to use Wampus Cats facilities they enter on this fantastic road. My submissions for renaming the stretch of road in front of Conway High School from roundabout to roundabout: •Wampus Cats Boulevard •Cat Blue Byway •Alma Mater Avenue •Learning Lane •Education Avenue •Championship Road •Six Legged Swamp Cat Street •Blue and White Way •School Pride Parkway •Excellence Express Submitted by Rhonda Overbey on Tue, 2013-12-24 12:17

Change Approved!

Taking vacation around the holidays reminds me why I wouldn't like to work from home. Television is awful. Executives are constantly changing programming to find something, anything that will make viewers respond. What other reason could the producers of 'Jersey Shore' have to come up with 'Party Down South', 'Rich Kids of Beverly Hills' or the swoonable Bachelor Juan Pablo? Throw up another controversial reality show, please, throw up. But don't listen to my viewing advice. I missed jumping on the 'Downton Abbey' bandwagon and Bad was already Broken by the time I knew what it was. I don't even watch 'Castle' anymore. I won't be watching 'Cougar Town' either. If I see another commerical or hear "change approved!" again, I won't need wine pong to make me start drinking! Commercials are catchy, though. Even Rob Lowe took to Twitter this weekend complaining about the frequency of the Big Baby commerical. And Greek yogurt or not, I agree that the world would be a better place if all men looked like John Stamos. The infomercial featuring the Chillow is pretty impressive too...why waste time flipping your pillow over when both sides are cool? Or how about a bacon bowl? No need to put bacon on your salad; put the salad in your bacon. New year's resolution....try not to live life As Seen On TV. Submitted by Rhonda Overbey on Mon, 2014-01-06 13:24

Tupelo Honey

Sweet sweet Elvis. It's hard to believe he's been gone 37 years and he's still trending on Twitter and getting birthday wishes on Facebook. Vanity Fair has uncovered a never-before-seen photo of the King to be published in its next issue. As with most things Presley related, the photo is surrounded by mystery and controversy....where's it been, why hasn't it been published, is it really Elvis, etc. If it's really Elvis, he's about 13, standing in the metropolis of downtown Tupelo near the hardware store where his precious mother bought him his first guitar. You tell me...is it live or is it Elvis? Either way, I like him like this. He looks like he's enjoying the sun on his face and knows he's about to own the world. Here's a link to the Vanity Fair story http://www.vanityfair.com/culture/2014/01/elvis-teen-photo-tupelo Submitted by Rhonda Overbey on Wed, 2014-01-08 15:41

What's the deal with #Monday? Can I get a RT?

When did Monday become the new Thursday? A few years ago, trendsetters officially made Thursday the new Friday. (Did you get the email?) Happy hour after work Friday? Nah, why wait til Friday when you can leave early on Thursdays and hit JJs? Fun work functions got moved to Thursday night because you can't ask people to waste Friday night on events that can be attended a day earlier. You following? So what happened to the 'old' Thursday night events? I think they got moved to Monday. Someone may have tweeted about it. Suddenly, Monday is the happening night. MNF, RAW, DWTS and Castle aside, Monday used to be a nothing night. In Conway tonight, the public is invited to the Chamber to meet a Fire Chief candidate, there's a business after hours event at A&J Collision, and the new UCA head football coach is at his first public meet-n-greet at Centennial. All on a #Monday! Go figure. Can't wait to see what the rest of the week brings. Submitted by Rhonda Overbey on Mon, 2014-01-13 16:19

Next stop: Pottersville!

The queen of daytime was known for her instincts about what people liked and needed... until 1998. That's when Oprah lost touch with the public. She failed to predict that Beloved wouldn't be loved, and it lost like $60 million. Much like Cougar in Top Gun, she lost her edge; she was holding on too tight. I think I've been Oprahfied. I've consistently talked about housing problems in Conway. You've read my posts about local slum lords and poor living conditions and that our working poor are spending an extremely high percentage of their minimum wage on housing. I thought you'd care because I care. I just can't walk away. It's time to dig into the hard discussion on housing. Are we afraid that concentrating low income housing in certain areas will increase crime in those areas? On the flip side, are we afraid that if we scatter subsidized housing to different parts of Conway, property values will decrease in those areas? You can find facts to back up both sides. How bout this, regardless of the economics, children should have a safe neighborhood with decent housing, Mr. Potter. The new Central Landing construction at the old airport will change that landscape by 2017. What does Chateau Mobile Village look like in 2017? Does it remain? If it goes away, where will those residents live? In Cowtown? In the Helen Street/Club Lane area? Oakwood? Are we willing to have some open discussions about this? Our diverse community, home to both the gay pride parade and the open carry gun celebration, deserves some attention be paid to the housing and safety of all its residents moving forward. Cue: It's a Wonderful Life Submitted by Rhonda Overbey on Fri, 2014-01-17 15:10

You can thank Huckster for Uncle Sugar

Is it possible that someone considering running for the biggest office in the land thinks one of the most threatening issues facing the United States is whether or not a woman can control her libido? (I'm sorry America. It looks like the Huck is on the loose again.) When I first noticed #Uncle Sugar trending on Twitter, I knew it would be bad. See, it's a cross between Uncle Sam and Sugar Daddy. Cute, huh? I'd like to think the Reverend didn't run that past Janet before he went live with it but I could be wrong. I won't go into any detail, because it doesn't need more airtime, but this early in the POTUS race, this type of comment gets lots of momentum and the prospective candidate gets false hope. Gov. Huckabee, don't tell me that I'm a victim of my gender and I won't attempt to educate you on how it takes two to tango and - putting the shoe on the other foot - if men were in control of their libidos birth control wouldn't be necessary. http://talkingpointsmemo.com/livewire/huckabee-dems-tell-women-they-can-t-control-their-libido Submitted by Rhonda Overbey on Thu, 2014-01-23 15:30

CFD Fire Chief search in final stage

The mayor and his search and interview committee for the Conway Fire Dept.'s next fire chief has its work cut out. It was imperative from the beginning, back in June, when after 17 years of excellent service as chief, Bart Castleberry submitted his resignation, that this nationwide search find a chief that not only understands the needs and demands of the community but also has a vision for how the department needs to grow. The next fire chief has to be a leader with a plan. It also doesn't hurt to have a few people at the stations on their team. I've been able go to the meet-n-greets and I've asked each one how they were received when they met with the rest of the department. (Not the ones in the offices and city hall, but the ones wearing the 70 lbs. of bulky protective gear working 48 hours straight in any Arkansas weather.) One of the out-of-town candidates told me he'd loved meeting with the men at the stations. He really felt like he'd connected with them and understood them. (Keep in mind that Conway firefighters are polite to strangers.) When I followed up the next day with a friend at the department, I got an eyeroll and clear indication that Conway firefighters expect their next chief to be someone committed to Conway, not someone using the CFD as a step on his way up the ladder. (He may have come across as being *ahem* a little out of touch.) To some of us, being the fire chief/CEO of the Conway Fire Department makes a career. To many of us, and to almost a hundred local firefighters, it's the top job on the career ladder. The meet-n-greet for the final candidate, Conway's Assistant Fire Chief Mike Winter, is 5-6 p.m. Monday at the Conway Area Chamber of Commerce and the public is welcome. Thanks to this committee for its great job of narrowing the pool of 27 applicants. They will make a final recommendation to the mayor and ultimately it's Mayor Townsell's decision. So, let the committee and the mayor know if you have a strong opinion. Conway CFD has a history of hiring great men and keeping them for a long time, so let's get the person in here that you can support. ◦Mark Ledbetter — Conway city council member and retired Conway Fire Department Assistant Chief ◦Shelley Mehl — Conway city council member and VP of Advancement for UCA ◦Scotty Bell — VP/GM of Conway Virco plant ◦Rev. Cornell Maltbia — Pastor of True Holiness Saints Center and Conway Civil Service Commission member ◦Jerry Glover — Retiree and former Conway Civil Service commissioner ◦Joyce Hardin — Biology professor at Hendrix, also served as Dean of Students and VP of Student Affairs ◦Shelia Maxwell — Faulkner County Office of Emergency Management director ◦Carroll Bishop — Conway School District assistant superintendent ◦Eric Kindsfater — Conway Regional Health Services director of safety and security Submitted by Rhonda Overbey on Sat, 2014-01-25 11:21


What would it say about a culture if in the midst of an accident, a car wreck, a fire, a shooting, someone being hurt, the public's first inclination is to reach for their phone - not to call 911 - but to take photos or record a video. It's my understanding that there was a crowd at Walmart last Saturday night standing around an emergency situation with their phones at arm's length recording everything. It makes me even more thankful for the heroes and the helpers. Does this behavior make us a country of observers? It sounds like a culture of people unwilling to be part of the solution. It's the first I've heard of it at this level in Conway. Perhaps the paparazzi mentality has finally infected our town. Have we reached a point where we're so desensitized to crisis situations and human suffering, from too much TV, video games and America's Funniest Videos, that we don't know what to do so we hide behind our phones and race to be the first to post on Facebook and Twitter? It's a sad reflection on us. Submitted by Rhonda Overbey on Mon, 2014-02-03 14:15

How Burl Ives ruined tea

Burl Ives The voice of the snowman gliding around wearing a vest, pocket watch and carrying an umbrella. He was Mr. Holly Jolly Christmas. Long after he was Big Daddy and tortured Elizabeth Taylor on screen in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof and after he lent his voice to narrating Christmas cartoons, Burl Ives set his path to ruining tea for me. For around twenty years, Burl was the pitchman for Luzianne Iced Tea. He convinced a whole generation that Southerners drank Luzianne, not Lipton, and his tea was specially brewed to go over ice. (I'm not making it into a big enough deal, because he was on TV when I was a kid - ALL. THE. TIME. Like 24/7, but before we used the term 24/7.) What was it three or five years ago that tea started being the big thing again? Green tea happened and the cool kids were drinking it like it was Jim Jones's special jungle juice. Then there was white tea. Then there was 50 Shades of Grey and her special morning tea. I took a little longer to jump on the bandwagon but I've settled on black tea that tastes wonderful but costs TOO much because I'm used to paying Luzianne prices for tea. Back to Burl Ives. Since I've been drinking the specialty teas, I found that each bag (or tea sachet) cost 100x more than a single Luzianne tea bag, but tastes 1000x better. No research has led me to believe that at least 50% of those specially-brewed-for-iced-tea bags must be filler. Like sticks or ground up regular leaves, like Oak and Maple, but not real tea leaves. The cheap tea tastes terrible now. And if Burl Ives hadn't been a smoker and killed all his taste buds, he'd probably agree and regret the two decades he spent ruining tea for me. The End. Submitted by Rhonda Overbey on Thu, 2014-02-13 13:20

Log Cabin Fever

Funny how weather is the instigator for strange behavior. No sunlight. Rainy, damp weather then super cold days when the air is filled with too much static electricity. You get cabin fever. I get Log Cabin fever - which is much worse because there's so much bizarre stuff happening no one know what goes in the paper! Sunday, SUNday, SUNDAY! The clouds parted and just that quickly there were 10 ft. tall chickens and weird statues set up and marked 'For Sale' on Hwy. 64 on the north side of Conway. I guess the draw was to attract Popeye's or Lowe's traffic. Afterall, when selling huge metal yard birds, location is key. And then by 1 p.m. the fast and furious street racing crowd gathered at Fifth Avenue Park responding to what I must assume was an 'all' text to polish the hot rods and gather the pistons for a chance to show off the engines by parking, popping the hoods, and revving the engines. Vin Diesel was a no-show. I think 60 degrees in Conway is like 88 mph to Doc Brown's DeLorean. I'll take it. Submitted by Rhonda Overbey on Mon, 2014-02-17 12:40

Lt. Dan asked for it

I don't remember when I signed up for the Log Cabin Democrat weather service texts, but even after three 'WARNING: High Wind' text messages - one yesterday and two this morning - I still thought something was wrong with the system. I kept asking Nick, local digi-god in the office. "Why's this thing sending out wind alerts? The wind isn't even blowing. The trees aren't moving. Does the weather service think we're in danger if we go boating or what?" I was still questioning what was going on with my hands in the air, when, as his greatness Gump, Forrest said in the movie of his life, "right then, God showed up." Is this Bayou La Batre or has someone been questioning whether the wind can blow? Testify! We've got trash in the parking lot that's blown in from west Texas. I'm thankful our trees aren't brittle after this wet winter. As for me, I'll batten down the hatches and wait it out in the house. Submitted by Rhonda Overbey on Thu, 2014-02-20 19:06

Springs, Shoals and Stevie Nicks

Just when you think you've heard all the Arkansas springs: Hot, Heber, Eureka, Elm, Gum, Siloam, Whelen, Valley, Mammoth, Warm, Sulpher and Witts. (No need to check me, I'm sure I left some off the list.) I found another one: Ravenden Springs, Arkansas. Can any other state claim this many 'springs'? My favorite town names are the biblical names. Don't try to match them up with scriptures though, the towns can't live up to the hype. Jerusalem, Mt Olive, Mt Judea, Zion and, my favorite, Promise Land, Arkansas. Speaking of hype, poor underachieving Nashville and Paris, right? I recently ran across a new 'shoal' - Tumbling Shoals. Most of us have heard of Bull Shoals but I didn't realize we had a Tumbling Shoals in Arkansas too. What's a shoal? Webster's says the definition of SHOAL is 1: shallow; 2: a sandbank or sandbar that makes the water shallow. So, now we all know. Sadly, my favorite springs - Silver Springs - made famous by Fleetwood Mac's Stevie Nicks when she and Lindsey Buckingham ended their relationship, was about place in Maryland. Here's one I left off the Arkansas list: Black Springs. I'm sure you'll think of others. Submitted by Rhonda Overbey on Tue, 2014-02-25 13:18

DIY shooting sleeves

What's with the sleeves? Tell me it's more than a fashion statement. Does it improve performance? Is it about circulation flow? Do you keep secret plays or notes or tissues or cheat sheets tucked in them? How about the tattoo sleeves? Basically cut off the foot of a pair of thigh-highs and you've got a sleeve to decorate. Weekend craft project! OMW to Hobby Lobby with my 40% off coupon now. BRB. Submitted by Rhonda Overbey on Fri, 2014-02-28 17:29

I got 99 pizzas

The Pepsi Mini commercial that ran during the Oscars answering that years-old question "What happened to Cuba Gooding, Jr.?" cost roughly $1.8 million for a :30 second spot. The infamous pizza party, where 99 pizzas were delivered live and on the air at the Academy Awards in an everyday red and yellow pizza box emblazoned with a Coca-Cola logo cost $1,587 but is valued at more than $10 million in free publicity. I say the Big Mama's & Papa's Pizzeria took home the big prize Sunday night. Alright, alright, alright.

Do all roads lead to Central Landing?

I make a point to drive by the road construction at Oak & Harkrider streets a couple of times a day to check on the progress. Why? Because I can. And it's moving so quickly, I'm getting excited! Street funding is big business on tight budgets. It's my understanding that the last (layer) of surface is currently being paved on Prince Street so we'll get that huge project behind us. {And, based on comments from a previous blog, ya'll overwhelmingly do NOT want to rename a stretch of the road. So, fine.} We knew the traffic volume warranted the expansion project. Well done. Your city council is in the throws of making big decisions regarding street projects and allocating funds. Decisions are being made this year on road projects that will out live me. Many of us haven't enjoyed the beautifully paved roads leading to the technology park, yet we knew the roads had to be built before the people were employeed. Most of us would like to see Oak Street, from the railroad tracks to Elsinger Boulevard, widened. Most days the traffic is so bad on Oak Street, there are no words to describe it. Contact your local city council person and let them know what you can live with when it comes to roads. Do all roads lead to Central Landing? When it comes to roads...if you build them, will Central Landing come? http://www.cityofconway.org/departments/city_council/city_council.html Submitted by Rhonda Overbey on Mon, 2014-03-10 17:14

Corruption Erupton

Corruption abounds. I wonder if Sheryl Sandberg is somewhere shaking her head at Martha Shoffner. Because Shoffner, former Arkansas treasurer who was convicted this week of federal bribery and extortion charges, was leaning in. Shoffner may have been heavy in the head because when she 'leaned in'...she fell in. All the way in. So, how much is your career worth? $36,000 cash in a pie box. That's very very Brubaker-ish. If you're thinking, "That's at the state level; we're better off locally." Then you don't know Jack. Jack Gillean who refused to even entertain us with a good reason 'why' he gave UCA students/friends his campus master key to steal exams, lost his integrity as quickly as some of us misplace our keys. And, like President Courtway, I wanted to be wrong about Gillean. He was found guilty and sentenced yesterday in Judge Clawson's courtroom in Clinton. Judges. I don't want to geaux there but judges are tough characters to figure out. The ethics codes that measure judges are higher than others. Their ways are not our ways. But in the case of Circuit Judge Mike Maggio who was recently exposed as 'geauxjudge' on a blog site where he made comments that made me blush and look into the meaning of 'rodeo sex' then 'justifiable homicide' - the corruption has hit home. What's harder to believe, that corruption abounds even within our circle of friends or that none of us are really surprised by it? Aye - Beware the Ides of March. Corruption loves to reveal itself. 03.13.2014

How to keep a Spring Break secret

You can't just go chasing boys in Ft. Lauderdale, Pensacola, Ft. Walton, Panama City Beach anymore -that's old school- now it's puking on the white sands of Cancun, Miami, Jersey Shore, Vegas and whereever MTV has its cameras set up. I don't know why SBers chase the 'Mrytle Manor' and 'Party Down South' TV shows because most 19-year olds will be snapchatting it all over the beach and you know some of those photos will end up where they don't belong. Here's you chance, parental units, to have that talk with your sons and daughters and friends of your sons or daughters. There are only two ways to keep what you're doing secret: 1. Don't do it and 2. Refer to #1. Nothing is safe or secret in the internet age. But hey, that goes both ways. It's not just the bad stuff that can go viral. Do something good. Be the person you want to be and make us proud. Heck, make yourself proud because that video of you being a good Samaritan will live forever on the internet. 03.18.2014

You belong in a cop car

I ran across a few people this week that should be in the back of a cop car. (No, Keith Urban, not falling in love, just getting arrested.) If you're following me on Twitter (@ConwayGirl) you saw that I requested special permission from the Conway Police Department to ticket skate boarders because they annoy me. (Either the Police Chief is still considering my request or he's filed me in his 'SHE'S CRAZY' file.) I'm willing to spend some of my personal time in hot pursuit of the skaters and clean up the streets. Quick question... can I bump them with my car or do I need to use a taser to stop them? We can work out the details when I get my permit. The other people are the ones who are smoking pot in public. Citizen's arrest! Citizen's arrest! Let's not ignore the obvious, it's a controlled substance. Your personal feelings about it (you think it's harmless or the law is stupid or at least it's not ____) don't matter; the stuff is against the law. Let's talk about how it's being used frequently, in public, out in the open, at our city parks and around. C'mon, that's where our kids play. I'm not saying that sitting in your parked car smoking a joint while your kid swings takes you out of the running for parent of the year, but I think you should assume you won't make the top 25. If smoking dope is that important to you, move to the Rockies. I'll be sorry to see you go but that's life. In my opinion, smoking pot should be enough to get you arrested. I think sometimes it takes more than the act alone to get in trouble because policemen and jails are busy but you don't look cool or above the law; you look like a criminal.

Lilo Trainwreck

I tried to grab a few minutes of television last night and got stuck on the OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network because, well, there's no excuse, I just like it. I watched the full interview of Kevin Hart, comedian and proud short man; he seems to have it all together. I like that he's paid his dues to get where he's at and I think there's something freeing and cleansing about being able to laugh at yourself. When the Oprah Prime interview ended, I saw the beginning of the 'documentary' being filmed on Lindsay Lohan. (It's called a documentary, but it's just a reality show following her around.) I looked down at my dog and said, "There's NO way I'm watching this." I lied. Before I could locate the remote, I was already involved. She's like a trainwreck and it's nearly impossible to look away. In the first few minutes, they fired an assistant for drinking wine in front of 'sober' LiLo and by the end of the program her sobriety coach was leaving town and hinted that Lindsay isn't staying clean. Why do we keep giving celebrity status (and money) to talented kids and then throw more money at them as we watch them implode? Bieber, Amanda Bynes, Macauley Culkin, River Phoenix, Corey Haim, Cory Monteith - I mean really the list is just too long. I tweeted Oprah and told her that I don't think this show is helping Lindsay and it may be better to encourage her to build a normal life. Here's my S/O to Lindsay...Pack it up, go find another life and when you really get it together, come back. Hollywood loves a comeback.

Mind on the weather and the weather on my mind

You know it's too hot outside. You see the clouds moving differently. Start trying to locate Jim Cantore and The Weather Channel crew. It's that time of year....severe weather season. Here's something I did last year that gave me alerts faster than a meterologist can say 'polar vortex.' Sign up for the Code Red weather warnings and have text messages sent directly to your phone. I saw Conway Police Chief A.J. Gary tweeting about it this morning. The link is on the Conway Police Department website or you can go to http://ecnetwork.com/codered-weather/citizens.php to sign up. It's simple and easy and may give you a little bit of comfort instead of that feeling of dread staring out the window. Remembering the April 2011 Vilonia and the April 2013 Van Buren County tornados today and those Arkansans still haunted by the storms. http://thecabin.net/latest-news/2013-04-10/tornado-hits-van-buren-county#.Uz1oqvldUt4

Who wants to build a snowman?

I promise you, the first time I heard this saying was Friday night! Seriously! Why is this quote driving people crazy? From a kids' movie? I haven't seen it. From a song? I've listened to to the whole thing ONCE. Ha ha ha! It's one of the benefits of being my age without tiny tots running around! I'm driven crazy by other things like trying to keep track of who the players are in The Avengers or the fact that I didn't know 'Timber' wasn't just another feel good song. Or how the Undertaker lost WrestleMania 2014 - the streak is over. It's official, the adults are over everything to do with Olaf and snowmen. We 'officially' kicked off Spring yesterday with the annual Conway Downtown Spring Open House, but today at 48 degrees, the dampness paired with the wind, still feels like wintertime. My favorite days of the years are the three or four consecutive days when you feel the sun on your face and a slight breeze that's more warm than cool. Ahhh, doesn't it sound like heaven? I'm waiting on those days....still waiting. Warmer days are just the corner, it's Master's week, the Alzheimer's group has its Easter Egg Hunt this Saturday, it's Arkansas Derby weekend at Oaklawn, all leading up to Palm Sunday, Easter and don't forget the Taste of Home Cooking School on Sat., April 26. (Tickets on sale now at www.uca.edu/tickets.) We're really starting a stretch with something to do every weekend leading up to Hammertime and Toad Suck Daze. Keep hoppin'! Community events are updated here: http://www.inconway.com/events

Open a grilled cheese sandwich shop

Three years in the life of a Conway restaurant is ancient. Hard to imagine, but true. Remember Clawson's? It lasted decades, not days. What's going on? It's interesting to see how quickly businesses come and go. 90% of them have a decent (albeit informal) business plan and enough financial backing to succeed. So, what's the problem? •Market knowledge? (You're from here; you know what YOUR people want!) •Product knowledge? (You like widgets? I love widgets! I watched a YouTube video about widgets!) •Marketing? (Facebook, Twitter and your church newsletter aren't enough) •Bad budgeting? (Should've listened to Mrs. Bright in Accounting.) •Not enough Tess McGill reasoning? At the beginning of Working Girl, Tess brings it all home to Lutz about the plaque removing mouthwash, remember? You rinse and have the big glob of plaque to spit out... Tess says, "No one ever got rich overestimating what the American public wants to taste." Maybe too many people are overestimating what Conwayers want. Just make a restaurant, a restaurant. Just make a gift shop, a gift shop. Worked for Clawson's. They owned the truck stop food and french fries & gravy market in Conway. Every business doesn't need to be everything for everyone. But if you're trying to make people happy, who doesn't love a grilled cheese sandwich? Would someone open a diner in Conway that makes gourmet grilled cheese sandwiches? Or how about one of those peanut butter and jelly sandwich shops? That's all it is - different kinds of pb&j. Simple. I love it.