Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Corruption Erupton

Corruption abounds. I wonder if Sheryl Sandberg is somewhere shaking her head at Martha Shoffner. Because Shoffner, former Arkansas treasurer who was convicted this week of federal bribery and extortion charges, was leaning in. Shoffner may have been heavy in the head because when she 'leaned in'...she fell in. All the way in. So, how much is your career worth? $36,000 cash in a pie box. That's very very Brubaker-ish. If you're thinking, "That's at the state level; we're better off locally." Then you don't know Jack. Jack Gillean who refused to even entertain us with a good reason 'why' he gave UCA students/friends his campus master key to steal exams, lost his integrity as quickly as some of us misplace our keys. And, like President Courtway, I wanted to be wrong about Gillean. He was found guilty and sentenced yesterday in Judge Clawson's courtroom in Clinton. Judges. I don't want to geaux there but judges are tough characters to figure out. The ethics codes that measure judges are higher than others. Their ways are not our ways. But in the case of Circuit Judge Mike Maggio who was recently exposed as 'geauxjudge' on a blog site where he made comments that made me blush and look into the meaning of 'rodeo sex' then 'justifiable homicide' - the corruption has hit home. What's harder to believe, that corruption abounds even within our circle of friends or that none of us are really surprised by it? Aye - Beware the Ides of March. Corruption loves to reveal itself. 03.13.2014

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