Tuesday, May 6, 2014

$1 can change a child's life

Submitted by Rhonda Overbey on Mon, 2013-11-25 14:17 Here's your chance to help those in need in Faulkner County. You can donate as little as $1 or as much as you want, to the Community Christmas Card. Each year, the Log Cabin Democrat publishes a list of names on Christmas Day of people who give to this effort to help our local kids. We collect the money and then based on the number of students at each school we divide the pile up and give the money to school counselors. The school counselors use the money where they see a need. For example, if a child needs a new pair of glasses or a trip to the dentist, or a winter coat and the guardians are unable to assist, the Community Christmas Card comes to the rescue. Not being able to see the chalkboard or being cold, basic needs that distract them from learning can be solved by your donation. This article really explains it better: http://thecabin.net/news/2013-11-04/community-christmas-card-faulkner-county-students#.UpOe9J3nbcc You know I must say that over the last month, there's been a lot of talk about our community needs. It's great to see this brought to the forefront during this season. I encourage you to be part of the solution! http://tinyurl.com/mmenslz

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